Empowering Professionals and Transforming Systems to avoid the Burnout Paradox
Our natural biology is to be well and to learn for life.
Learning is the most natural thing our brain can do. All our brains.
Education is a basic human right and an amazing gift. Why does learning sometimes seem so hard and school sometimes seem counter to it?
“Let’s not be dictated to by the “grades” we get, but by the passion and determination we develop as natural learners.”
Learn More About Education for Living Life in the 21st centuryBeing “well” is our body’s natural tendency. We rock!
We are living in the Age of Biology and the current understanding of the biology of wellness lets us in on just how much we can do to enable the body to be well naturally and with support.
We love to demystify the language of health and disease to aid an understanding of how our bodies keep us well and to encourage the WHY Gene to take action.
“Let’s not let healthcare be done ‘to us’ but done ‘with us’”
Learn More About Wellness for Living Life in the 21st century
Our natural environment has provided us with the building blocks for life since life began. Nature was our first pharmacy and is still serving that function for much of life on earth.
Much of what we need for our bodies to be “well” comes best from nature. Getting back to the basics of nutrition, balance and plant based modalities provides a powerful start.
“Let’s celebrate the science of nature and the nature of science for our wellbeing. Let’s Embrace the power of educated choice”
Learn More About Using Nature's Pharmacy in the 21st centuryHello!
Great to see you visiting. I love that, like us, you might be excited to investigate your choices! That was why Active Axons got started in 2008. Go for it!
The combination of things you find here has its base in research, personal experience and the experiences of those I love.
These experiences suggest that Healthcare and Education can appear to be ‘done to you’ rather than ‘with you’. I would really like to see that change because with the evidence we have available to us, it really can!
We have found that people who know how their brain learn have much more power to make their own smarts and get the most from their learning, and people who have a basic understanding of their own biology have much greater choice in their approach to health and wellness. Science, nature, learning and health have a synergy.
Please have a look around and feel free to reach out. We all need to know what’s in it for us. It’s the basic biology of survival.
Life is amazing! I have a deep, and often expressed, passion for all things biology and all things learning. Over the last 8 years this passion has extended to include all things essential oils. Initially a surprise to my friends for sure! I loved it when a student called me “your essential biologist” to summarise my professional hats!
My family are working hard to develop a similar passion for cricket. I love them, but true passion for cricket is proving to be a very slow process.